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Tenant Based Rental Assistance


The Tenant Based Rental Assistance program is a rental program designed to assist households with their housing expenses, while they focus on becoming self-sufficient. The program is able to assist families by providing assistance with security deposits and rental subsidies for up to 24 months.


To Qualify for TBRA household must be willing to:

  • Participate in Self-Sufficiency plan and intensive Case Management

  • Must have earnings at or below 80% of the Area Median Family Income (AMFI)

  • Live in Bastrop, Fayette, Lee, Colorado, Austin, Hays, Caldwell, or Travis Counties (but not including the city limits of Austin)


In order for your application to be considered you must send in the following items: 

  • Proof of current monthly income (i.e. Social Security award letter, SSI award letter, Child Support, Check stubs, ect.)

  • A letter describing your current situation, household needs, and your households plan if selected for the program.

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