Children and Pregnant Women (CPW)
Case Management
Who can get services?
Services are provided in the counties of Austin, Bastrop, Caldwell, Colorado, Fayette, Hays, Lee and Washington.
Are eligible for Medicaid,
Have or are at-risk for having a health problem that keeps them from doing things that other kids their age do,
Need help getting services to keep health problems from getting worse, and
Want Case Management
Women who are pregnant can get Case Management if they:
Are eligible for Medicaid,
Have a high-risk pregnancy,
Need services to prevent more problems with pregnancy, and
Want Case Management
What is Case Management?
Case Management is a Medicaid service. Case managers assist children, women who are pregnant, and their families in getting help with:
Access to needed medical services
Family problems,
Education/School issues
Financial concerns,
Finding help near where they live, and
Equipment and supplies
What do case managers do?
Case managers help by:
Finding out what families need,
Making plans to meet those needs,
Helping families find the services they need near where they live,
Referring children, women who are pregnant, and their families to community resources and other services,
Teaching individuals and families how to find and get services they need, and
Following-up with families to make sure their needs have been met.
How can you make a referral?
For referral or more information contact Deanna Lowrey-Green (979) 540-2980