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Our strength is amplified with collective action, and you can help make a difference with Combined Community Action, Inc right now! The support we receive is a huge driver of the good work we do and we are very proud that $0.93 of every dollar we bring in, goes directly to client services. Get in touch today and join us in making a lasting impact.

Voluntarios sirviendo comida

Acompáñenos mientras generamos un impacto en las comunidades a las que servimos. Con oportunidades regulares o únicas durante todo el año, lo invitamos a ayudarnos a #MakeADifference

Billete de dólar en frasco

Muestra tu apoyo

Dona hoy para ayudarnos a impulsar nuestros esfuerzos.

¡$0,94 de cada dólar van directamente a servicios al cliente!

Dos hombres dándose la mano

We know that while individual contributions may be small, when a community comes together, we can achieve great things.

Join us in serving Rural Central Texas because #TogetherWeCan

©2024 por Acción Comunitaria Combinada, Inc.

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